[Sigia-l] "Standard" interfaces? (was: DHTML Menus andUsability)

David Heller hippiefunk at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 23 19:28:13 EDT 2002

Before you can have Elvis you need Little Richard ... (that is to say
that no one would have ever looked for Elvis, or at Elvis, if Little
Richard didn't make Rock -n- Roll profitable. (Ziya, is this what you
mean by breaking out?) -- sorry folks but Elvis and I don't get along.

But more seriously, I think the changes have come. They are slow in
coming. But companies like SAP for instance (more similar to my own)
have an entire Design Guild section to their web site, let alone inside
their organization. I also think that the web has created a lot of jobs
for people like us and pushed the issue of UX to the fold in corporate
applications where they wouldn't have been in the past. For example our
UX team mainly works with web-apps. The customer response from our work
has been so huge that the thick-app people are clamoring more and more
for our services and more importantly our Exec-team is more assumptive
about our role in projects. We are incredibly conservative compared to
my days in a start up consultancy, so it sometimes doesn't move fast
enough for me but after being here for a year I can tell you that one
thing will always make a difference: RESULTS!

The other thing that really helps is making relationships. I have worked
more directly with corporate marketing and with engineering to get their
input and thus get buy in, into my work so when product management
pushes back due to deadlines I get that much more support from team
members outside my group.

-- dave

David Heller
Sr. User Interface Designer
Documentum: The Leader in Enterprise Content Management
david.heller at documentum.com
AIM: bolinhanyc  //  Yahoo: dave_ux  //  MSN: hippiefunk at hotmail.com
--"If it isn't useful, it will never be usable."

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