[Sigia-l] "Print This"

Greg Richards grichards at fcb.com
Mon Sep 23 17:44:58 EDT 2002

I have used this method in the past on a series of sites for a large
insurance provider. It is also used on CNN.com.

If the scripts sniffs for the "window.print" object then the pop-up can
display the "print this page" control. If there is no "window.print" object
detected (on a Mac for instance), then the page should display conditionally
for Windows "Press 'ctrl+p' on your keyboard to print this page" or Mac
"Press 'cmd+p' on your keyboard to print this page".

Gregory Richards
Sr. Information Architect
FCBi-NY Digital
v: 212.885.2802
f: 212.885.3516

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bell, John" <John.Bell at ogilvypr.com>
To: <sigia-l at asis.org>
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 4:46 PM
Subject: [Sigia-l] "Print This"

We have created printer-friendly versions of screens without all of the
navigational elements. In some cases, we have had the text-only version
display in a daughter window with a "Close Window" and "Print This Page"
links but with the browser toolbar minimized. The "Print" link will not work
reliably on a Mac. The alternative seems to be to have the text-only version
appear in the main window and rely on the user to use the browser's "print"
and "back" commands.

Both approaches seem clumsy. Any experience with testing this feature one
way or another?

John H. Bell
SVP/ Creative Director

Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide
phone: 202.557.0886
mobile: 240.462.7596
fax: 202.833.2471

1901 L Street NW Suite 300
Washington, DC 20036

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