[Sigia-l] (the) Trouble With 'The' Law

Derek R derek at derekrogerson.com
Sun Sep 22 15:38:19 EDT 2002

>Don't be concerned about capitalizing names or whether
>a word is singular or plural. Search recognizes these as 
>the same: Truffle, truffle, truffles.

This is probably my biggest pet peeve of search engines -- paying no
attention whatsoever to what the user has explicitly asked for --
instead assumes, assumes, assumes. Do you really believe the 3 instances
of 'truffle' above are the same?

Words are going to insist on their autonomy, especially in the face of
old-school demands for referential or thematic unity:

"All you never saw (assumptions)" -->
http://derekrogerson.com/sounds/dukesofhazard.mp3 (738k)

Making way before way = know-how / knowledge / notsheep


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