[Sigia-l] DHTML Menus and Usability

Steven Champeon schampeo at hesketh.com
Wed Sep 18 18:39:43 EDT 2002

on Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 01:22:56PM -0700, princeofcats at newarcadia.com wrote:
> I see two separate issues here.
> (1) DHTML - I've done a few sites using DHTML menus, and (without
> exception) they added a considerable amount of time & expense to our
> schedule. My mantra has become "DHTML isn't hard to implement, but it's
> extremely difficult to implement correctly."

That's odd. My experience has been that it took two or three tries to
get it right, and then it's been an almost zero-effort project to add
DHTML functionality to anything, particularly something as brain-dead
simple as showing and hiding a layer containing links, which is
ultimately what a menu system is.

hesketh.com/inc. v: (919) 834-2552 f: (919) 834-2554 w: http://hesketh.com
The average person needs trepanation like he needs a hole in the head. -ca

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