[Sigia-l] Card Sorting software

Whitney Quesenbery wq2 at sufficiently.com
Tue Sep 10 09:33:11 EDT 2002

There are a few listed here. None are without some problems, so "your 
mileage may vary"


However, I'm not sure that what you are looking for is card sorting. It 
might be something more like an affinity analysis.

At 11:49 PM 9/9/2002 +0200, Jan Paice wrote:
>I would like to know if there are some softwares which let organize the
>many data coming from the first brainstorming session of a Web project.

Whitney Quesenbery
whitneyq at acm.org
Usability Professionals' Association - www.upassoc.org
STC Usability SIG - www.stcsig.org/usability/
Cognetics Corporation - www.cognetics.com

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