[Sigia-l] your'e invited- ART OF THE PROPOSAL- NYC

Listera listera at rcn.com
Wed Oct 30 19:44:34 EST 2002

"Victor Lombardi" wrote:

>> Like sausage, nobody needs to see the work product. Wireframes are for
>> wussies. :-)
> I hereby declare myself a wussie.

I haven't yet designed certificates of authenticity :-)

> Actually, I'm not sure how I would rapid
> prototype an IA design.

Your last word is a hint.

> A user interface yes, but a big honkin' structure?

I'm not sure what information without interface would even be/look like.
Interface means usage, access, interaction, flow, connectivity: all stuff
that can and should be prototyped.

> Not sure. Though I agree I'd rather keep the wireframes away from my
> clients if I could.

So we agree: work product. :-)
> Reminds me of the architecture metaphor: architects still stick blueprints
> in our faces. Why not just rapid prototype the house?

Good ones will give you at least a 3D model and a walk through: prototypes.
Pathetically easy to do:

> I think in the future we'll have better tools that facilitate this.

I agree.

> So maybe we're not wussies, we're just using wussie tools.

OK, I'll amend: Wireframes are for wussies and only wussies use wussie
tools. :-)



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