[Sigia-l] Peter Morville talk on November 1st

Rashmi Sinha rashmi_sinha at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 28 19:37:24 EST 2002

Information can also be found online at: 

November East Bay BOF Event

Information Architecture and Strategy

Peter Morville

306 Soda Hall, HP Auditorium
UC Berkeley Campus
7 p.m., Friday, November 1st

Abstract: As knowledge management and e-business strengthen their footholds 
in the corporate world, the ways that companies structure, organize and 
manage information are becoming intricately interwoven with overall 
corporate strategy, culture and image. To be successful in this 
environment, organizations need to ensure that their strategic plans are 
developed with an eye to both the opportunities and obstacles posed by 
their information architecture.

During this session, you'll learn:

* why you can't simply adopt best practices and copy your competitors
* how the labels and categories on your web site and intranet embody 
corporate decisions about your company's identity and strategic direction
* how to integrate taxonomies and controlled vocabularies with automated 
classification, content management and search engine technologies to create 
powerful, adaptive solutions
* how to leverage your organization's information architecture to achieve 
an invisible competitive advantage.

Speaker Bio:
Peter Morville is President and Founder of Semantic Studios, a leading 
information architecture and strategy consultancy. Since 1994, he has 
played a major role in shaping the modern practice of information 
architecture design.

Peter is co-author (with Louis Rosenfeld) of the best-selling book on the 
subject, Information Architecture for the World Wide Web. As Chief 
Executive Officer of Argus Associates (1994-2001), Peter helped build one 
of the world's most respected information architecture firms, serving 
clients such as AT&T, Barron's, HP, IBM, L.L.Bean, Microsoft, Procter & 
Gamble, Vanguard and the Weather Channel.

He holds an advanced degree in library and information science from the 
University of Michigan's School of Information, where he now teaches a 
popular graduate course in information architecture. An internationally 
distinguished speaker, Peter provides keynotes and seminars on such topics 
as user experience, knowledge management, business strategy and findability.

Peter's work has been featured in numerous publications including Business 
Week, Fortune, MSNBC and the Wall Street Journal.

More information about Soda Hall: Soda Hall is at the corner of Hearst and 
LeRoy. It is a large green tiled building with arches. Enter building from 
Hearst Ave. esplanade. For directions go to: 

East Bay BOF is part of BayCHI organization. For more information and 
updates about events, go to http://www.baychi.org/bof/east/. In case of 
questions / comments, email rsinha at baychi.org

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