[Sigia-l] Save this date: STL/IA November 19

Jeff Lash jeff at jefflash.com
Mon Oct 28 19:01:08 EST 2002

The St. Louis Group for Information Architecture is pleased to announce:

Tuesday, November 19; 7pm
Location TBA (Somewhere in the Central West End)

November's meeting will be a discussion of Information Architecture and
Business Strategy. Attendees are asked to read Chapter 18 of the 2nd Edition
of "Information Architecture for the World Wide Web" by Louis Rosenfeld and
Peter Morville in preparation for discussion.

A free PDF of the chapter is available:
--> http://webword.com/download/chapter18.pdf

Or you can buy the book:
--> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/infotecture2/

A reminder and notification of the decided upon location will be sent out
via email and posted to the website and the IAwiki.

Hope to see you there!

St. Louis Group for Information Architecture:
--> http://stlia.sulleiro.com/
--> http://www.IAwiki.net/CocktailHours/StLouis

Mailing List
--> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stlia/

More info
--> Jeff Lash -- jeff at jefflash.com
--> Andrés Sulleiro -- andres at iconmedialab.com

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