[Sigia-l] Announcement: Sacramento History Online

Sacramento History Online information at sachistoryonline.net
Tue Oct 22 18:33:13 EDT 2002

Since I've posted several questions to the list about the 
project I've been managing, I thought that the folks who took 
the time to answer might want to look at the final product:

We've scanned and catalogued almost 1000 items from the 
collections of four institutions here in the Sacramento 
area : the California State Library's California History 
Room, the California State Railroad Museum Library, the 
Sacramento Archives and Museum Collection Center, and the 
Sacramento Public Library's Sacramento Room. The project's 
first year focus has been on transportation (such as the 
Transcontinental Railroad and the introduction of cars and 
airplanes into American life) from the middle 19th to early 
20th century. We just got funding to continue for a 2nd year, 
focusing on agriculture. 

Anyhow, the IA on the site is far from perfect, but now that 
we have funding for a second round,  I'm hoping it can be 
improved. Otherwise, my thanks to everybody who gave me their 
input when I posted to this list. 


Mary Taylor
Project Manager :: Sacramento History Online


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