[Sigia-l] Extranet software

Listera listera at rcn.com
Mon Oct 7 17:21:13 EDT 2002

"Tim Salam" wrote:

> We build software from scratch then modularize it...

> Build-from-scratch is inherently wasteful...

This logic leads to confusion such as the one displayed above.

There's nothing "inherently" right or wrong about any app development, it
depends on the circumstances of a given project and available resources. You
can start from scratch and do a good job *or* a bad job. You can buy
"pre-packaged" and save time *or* lose more time and money than you'd have
if you had started from scratch. You can have badly designed apps developed
in-house *or* sold by third parties. I've been in the development/design biz
nearly two decades: There's nothing "inherently" wrong (or right, I might
add) about custom-made apps. Only a vendor would try to convince you that
anything other than a "package" is a waste of time. If you think otherwise,
ask all the CRM, KM, ERP (and various other TLA) software buyers of late how
much time, money and hair they have lost.



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