[Sigia-l] indicating "premium" content?

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Mon Oct 7 04:43:05 EDT 2002

From: Stephen Holmes <sholmes at labyrinth.net.au> (6/10/02 5:02 PM)

>The idea in the end that I'm proposing to the customer is an icon that
>is first introduced to the "member/subscriber" within the membership
>sign-up area. The icon is anchored to a component of code that where
>ever it is on the site, it is clickable to take a new user to the
>membership signup area. This way you have two different ways a user gets
>introduced to the icon and its meaning.

This is something most sites I've seen so far just don't do. They only 
explain the significance of the little symbol with some small addendum on 
the page someplace. Making the icon clickable, and with a suitable title 
attribute, would go a long way to explaining it.


eric at ironclad.net.au                 i r o n c l a d   n e t w o r k s
information architect                      http://www.ironclad.net.au/

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