[Sigia-l] Selecting multiple options from a list

PeterV peter at poorbuthappy.com
Wed Oct 2 04:08:21 EDT 2002

> You aught to realy back up your statement... I would like to know why
>> Checkboxes are evil browsing devices - links are better. Check out
>> http://facetmap.com for an example.

When you have multiple "facets" (and I'll try not to get confused with
terminology here), i.e. multiple properties of something to select so
you can view something, i.e. a multi-dimensional matrix, then checkboxes
probably aren't the best way to browse them. Something like facetmap is
easier to use (depending on the specific tasks: note I said "evil
browsing devices", not "evil searching devices"). 

I made the same mistake a while back, and we developed an interface that
let you jump straight to the correct "node" or "page" using multiple
dropdown boxes that updated their own content depending on the selection
in other boxes. I now feel that was the wrong interface - I should have
been able to do something just using links - because this was an
interface supposed to facilitate browsing.

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