[Sigia-l] re: faceted classification

Lisa mslisacolvin at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 20 21:06:10 EST 2002

Thanks, Peter! I was so excited when I heard about
this on NPR. It's such a great classification scheme
as well! How many of us would think of color and shape
as essential book properties? (OK, interior designers
excluded :) 

Have any of you worked on designing educational sites
where children have helped you design the IA?  How
successful has it been?

::lisa dawn colvin::
::ontologist/web search::

> Message: 27
> From: "PeterV" <peter at poorbuthappy.com>
> To: "'Listera'" <listera at rcn.com>,
> <sigia-l at asis.org>
> Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 20:10:55 -0500
> Subject: [Sigia-l] Faceted classification browsing
> tool
> I thought I'd share this. Faceted classification +
> ZUI = an interface
> that works for kids and adults.
> explains it.
> At http://www.icdlbooks.org/library/ you can
> download the tool (Java)
> and play with it.
> I am in awe.
> PeterV
> http://poorbuthappy.com/ease
> http://xfml.org

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