[Sigia-l] lenses

christina wodtke cwodtke at eleganthack.com
Mon Nov 18 11:44:47 EST 2002

> http://www.eleganthack.com/archives/002711.html > was: 'Would it be
> worth using a completely different widget for separating the concepts
> "these are different ways of seeing the same idea/item" and "these are
> different things altogether"?'.  One way to hint about whether you are
> seeing the same thing in different ways, or seeing a different thing
> altogether is how  visually distinct the contents of  each tab is from
> the other.  Both Amazon and Google change the main color in the
> displayed page for each tab.

Excellent point. Long ago I tested some comps with color indicators, which
were not noticed or even subconsciously parsed by users (similar to Amazon's
color changes). I wonder how strong a change must be to register, and at
what point is reads as a different view and at what point it reads as a
different page altogether...

ideas? Data?

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