[Sigia-l] A search & filter question

Donna Maurer donna at maadmob.net
Thu Nov 14 06:09:38 EST 2002

OK, back to what we do best...

I'm redesigning an Intranet and am at the point of designing the 
search interface. The majority of my users know nothing about 
searching beyond the fact that you put a few words in and get 
mountains of documents. Getting them to filter before they click the 
go button just won't happen.

I'm looking for examples of sites that offer clever filtering alongside 
the search results. Three that I have seen are:
- BBC (www.bbc.co.uk) offers results from the web, all BBC or BBC 
- vivisimo.com offers a filter based on frequently found words in the 
result set
- an example from the Microsof Intranet that Lou showed at NNg 
(and may be in the Polar Bear, but it is at work) offered a filter based 
on part of site (which is what I'm thinking of doing).

Other suggestions...

I'm happy to summarise responses for the list & maybe include on 
the wiki.


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