[Sigia-l] Peter Morville talk and the costs of faceted classification

Laura Norvig lauran at etr.org
Mon Nov 4 13:11:44 EST 2002


Thank you for organizing this, it was an interesting talk.

Christina: thanks for pointing out the difference between 
successfully using facets to describe a domain like wine, vs. a large 
domain like, um, the entire web.

That got me thinking about Marti's Flamenco project. The art (or 
architecture) described there is a larger info space than wine, but 
still somewhat contained, and perhaps was able to use existing 
keywords adapted from LC.

What I'm wondering is, how many hours did it take to develop the 
thesaurus and the facet structure and catalog the records? How do we 
get project managers to build in enough time to do such detailed work 
on web projects?

<gripe>The team I work with likes to run out and get pretty look and 
feel mock-ups which they begin testing on users immediately while 
we're still hashing out the navigation and search structures.</gripe>

so it goes.

Laura Norvig, MLIS
"Intelligent Human Agent"
lauran at etr.org

At 7:13 AM -0800 10/31/02, Rashmi Sinha wrote:
>Peter Morville Talk on Information Architecture and Strategy

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