[Sigia-l] introduction to goal-directed design and personas

Markus Mayer m.mayer at generali.at
Wed May 15 10:22:07 EDT 2002

i would like to introduce two colleagues of mine (who are tasked with 
designing a call-centre support application) to the philosophy of 
goal-directed design and personas. 
before giving them my own view of it i would have liked to gave them a 
couple of introductory resources/articles on the topic. i was wondering 
whether anybody on this list has any (web)resources providing a concise 
introduction to the whole thing (preferably with examples). 

does anyone know of practical books(besides cooper's classics)/seminar 
materials/proceedings/.... of the people working at cooper that are 
available without attending their seminars and talks (difficult when 
working in europe)

thanks in advance,


p.s.: i've been a digest lurker for quite some time now and would hereby 
like to thank you guys for all the valuable inputs and thoughts you are 
bringing to my inbox :-)

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