[Sigia-l] research: when is it enough? vs. ethics

Ziya Oz ZiyaOz at earthlink.net
Tue May 7 15:33:40 EDT 2002

"PeterV" wrote:

> We all know if we quote some Forrester study and throw in some
> numbers, it makes you look more convincing for many business people.

Utterly. My constant objection to 'research' on this list is precisely this.
A lot of the 'research' floating around is very much guided, paid-for, and
ultimately, a sales tool for somebody. Left-handed midgets from the Midwest
like their popcorn buttered and frequent ecommerce sites 23.7 hours/week,
type of stuff. (Guess who funded it?) Abstract: people 28 years old and over
like their nav bars on the left. Full 'research': $59.95, download here;
credit cards and PayPal accepted; lecture next Tuesday; the book's on the

During the dotcom era 'savvy' startups and many VCs used to buy 'research'
to prove their company had a bright future in a rosy marketplace adorned
with fantastic adoption/usage numbers. You dropped numbers like there was no
tomorrow and you got your money. It was expected. You'd look naïve if you
didn't resort to 'research' numbers.

It was a battle to point this out to people while it was going on; it looks
silly now. But, as you say, this is that happens in the 'real life

Recognizing this is one thing, confusing it for something sacrosanct or
'scientific' is another.



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