[Sigia-l] Re: ASIS&T Seattle Reading Gp. May 14th

Melissa Riesland riesland65 at yahoo.com
Wed May 1 12:17:01 EDT 2002

An additional article for consideration is
available at

"Managing your boss takes strategy, subtlety"

See you on the 14th!


--- Vivian Bliss <vbliss at microsoft.com> wrote:
> [please excuse cross-posting]
>      <)))<)))<)))<)))<)))<)))<)))<)))<)))
>           ASIS&T Seattle Reading Group
>      <)))<)))<)))<)))<)))<)))<)))<)))<)))
> TOPIC: Professional Development - Mentoring
> WHEN? Tuesday, April 9th, 6:30-8:30p
> WHERE? Cafe Allegro, 40th and University Ave.,
> in
> the U District (the little cafe upstairs at the
> College Inn)
> Discussion Article: (this is a long
> explanation)
> Professional development has surfaced a few
> times as a potential topic
> for a reading group meeting.  This topic has
> many sub-topics making it
> prickly to approach.  (Okay, shoot me for
> mentioning a hierarchy.)
> Recently, however, one of those sub-topics,
> "mentoring", is appearing
> more frequently in conversations and articles. 
> (Or does it just seem to
> be more frequent because Dana recruited Melissa
> and I to be mentors at
> the iSchool at the University of Washington.)
> Believe ourselves to be decent researchers we
> began searching the web.
> We could not find a free web-based resource
> outlining mentoring in
> general terms with suggestions for mentors and
> mentees.  We did find
> several lists of mentoring resources available
> offline, all yours at an
> additional cost of either money from your
> pocket or time to go to your
> library and photocopy.  In searching we did
> learn a bit.  There is both
> formal and informal mentoring.  A lot of formal
> mentoring programs exist
> for child/adult, student/teacher and new
> teacher/experienced teacher.
> Plus, formal mentoring programs seem to be on
> the rise in the corporate
> setting.  Or, consultants with websites and
> mentoring services are
> trying very hard to convince us of that.  
> Absent the perfect resource we settled on a
> handful of items freely
> accessible to try to convey mentoring, both in
> a formal sense and what
> may be out there stirring things up. 
> For the meeting cruise through these sites. 
> All are fairly short. 
> ---Guide for a specific FORMAL mentoring
> program---
> Federal CIO Council Mentoring Guide
> ---Specific planning guides for specific pieces
> of a specific FORMAL
> mentoring program---
> Pharmacy Mentoring Relationship Guide (form to
> fill out to better
> acquaint you with your mentor/mentee)
> http://www.hhs.gov/pharmacy/mentrela.html
> Pharmacy Mentoring Planning Guide (form to fill
> out reporting on a
> meeting with you mentor/mentee)
> http://www.hhs.gov/pharmacy/mentplan.html
> ---from the Fast Company site---
> An Unorthodox Guide to Mentoring
> Women's Way of Mentoring
> Radical Mentoring
> ---applying technology to mentoring---
> E-mentoring
> Fwww.askanemployer.com%2Fmentor.asp
> Supplemental Reading:
> ---Resource lists---
> http://library.ucr.edu/COLT/bibmentoring.html
> (Libararian and
> non-librarian focused resources)
> Information: Melissa Riesland
> (riesland65 at yahoo.com),
> Dana Bostrom (bostrom at u.washington.edu), or
> Vivian
> Bliss (vbliss at microsoft.com).

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