[Sigia-l] Form Usability - Search & Cancel location

Eustache Megnigbeto eustache.megnigbeto at delben.cec.eu.int
Tue Jun 25 11:28:48 EDT 2002


I thing that Cancel|Submit is often met than Submit | Cancel

Eustache Megnigbeto
Cotonou, Repulique du Benin 

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Anne Hjortshoj [mailto:anne at optical.mindstorm.com]
Envoyé : mardi 25 juin 2002 16:27
À : Mike Combs
Cc : Steph; sigia-l at asis.org
Objet : Re: [Sigia-l] Form Usability - Search & Cancel location

Hm, I've had the opposite experience. When you are dealing with a form,
not a wizard (context makes them different creatures, I would argue),
users seem to treat the button that occurs first in a left-to-right
arrangement as the default.



would be preferable.

I've seen users get pretty upset when the buttons are in the opposite
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