[Sigia-l] Fwd: Article: Languages of the Semantic Web

Melissa Riesland riesland65 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 25 10:54:08 EDT 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Search Day
> [mailto:listsupport at internet.com]

> SearchDay
> June 24, 2002 - Number 296
> The Languages of the Semantic Web
> Today's simplistic web languages are giving way
> to richer, more robust
> polyglots that transcend information storage
> and retrieval and allow web
> pages to express meaning.
> When Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide
> Web, he also invented
> Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), a bare-bones
> set of commands for
> formatting web pages.  Because this simple
> language could be easily
> implemented on virtually any type of computer
> system, its adoption as a
> standard was rapid and widespread, fueling the
> explosion of web use.
> Today, Berners-Lee heads a next generation
> project to create what he calls
> "The Semantic Web" -- a virtual wonderland
> where we'll be able to do all
> kinds of cool things, including finding
> information with nearly effortless
> ease (see link below for more on the Semantic
> Web).
> To realize this vision of the web, new
> languages have been developed that
> go far beyond the limitations of HTML.  To many
> people, these languages
> are nothing more than acronym soup: RDF, XML,
> DAML, OIL, and so on.  But
> very gradually they're working their way into
> the fabric of the web, and
> it behooves us all to have at least a working
> overview of the new
> languages and their functions.
> Uche Ogbuji's thoughtful overview of the
> Semantic Web is a gentle
> introduction to the new languages that are soon
> going to be ubiquitous.
> It's an excellent, well-written primer that's
> well worth a read for anyone
> who plans to spend a lot of future hours in the
> continually evolving world
> of cyberspace.
> The Languages of the Semantic Web
> The Semantic Web
> A terrific overview of the Semantic Web and how
> it will change our online
> lives, from core W3C team members Tim
> Berners-Lee, James Hendler and Ora
> Lassila.
> On the Road to the Semantic Web
> SearchDay, March 20, 2002
> A new language called OWL will help power
> automated tools for the next
> generation web, offering advanced services such
> as more accurate Web
> search, intelligent software agents and
> knowledge management.
> Search Engine Marketers: Include your company
> on SEMList.com before it
> launches July 16th.
> SEMList.com
> http://www.semlist.com


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