[Sigia-l] Shakedown of US megasites by Indian ISPs?

Madhu Menon webguru at vsnl.net
Wed Jul 31 07:58:23 EDT 2002

At 04:50 PM 31-07-02, Ziya wrote:

>Is there anybody from India that can confirm this story about major Indian
>ISPs getting together to demand payment from large US web sites like Yahoo,
>eBay, MSN, etc., to access Indian Internet users?

You yelled, my liege? ;)

I'm from India, as some may know.

Is there truth to it? Apparently not. It started off with an article in a 
major newspaper, and thanks to the Internet, newsgroups all over were 
filled with rage. The story, however, has been denied by the Indian ISP 
association that allegedly thought about it. See 
http://www.naavi.com/cl_editorial/edit_10jul_30_1.html for details.

There are a lot of stupid ideas our people come up with, but this was a bit 
too stupid to be true.

Besides, I'd block *Google* first. That would really screw us. :p

Incidentally, the newspaper hasn't yet printed a retraction, but it was the 
only paper to publish the "news" so I wouldn't put much faith in it.



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Madhu Menon
User Experience Consultant
e-mail: webguru at vsnl.net

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