[Sigia-l] multidoctype publishing: from Visio and Word: sugg estions?

Fiorito, David DFiorito at IKON.com
Mon Jul 29 16:32:24 EDT 2002

I usually save the Viso diagrams as GIFs and imbed them in the DOC.



-----Original Message-----
From: Rhonda Nelson [mailto:retreux at yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 4:27 PM
To: sigia-l at asis.org
Subject: [Sigia-l] multidoctype publishing: from Visio and Word:

Hi all,

I'm working on a 100 page deliverable in Acrobat PDF
that includes Word doc, flows and wireframes in Visio

I want printed pagination so we bought the Impress

We want a Table of Contents so I am building that in

As you can see, the process is a bit makeshift, but
seemingly the best way, but its not extremely robust
or easy for the documentor to make changes later.

Has anyone used another software that does the
following in a seamless way:
Combining different types of docs into one (Visio,
Word at least)
Easy printing of different sized pages (PDF does this
Automatic page numbering updates (that prints)
Build a Table of contents on the fly.
Allows updating within (or outside with easy importing
to automatically build the TOC and page numbering)

Or, does anyone know when Acrobat is going to be able
to fulfill the needs of basic document publishing? :)

Please respond to me and I will report back to the


__    ***
   /(o\   R h o n d a   N e l s o n 
   \o)/   retreux at yahoo.com                  ***

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