[Sigia-l] [off topic] 'what are the odds' database

karl fast karl.fast at pobox.com
Wed Jul 24 13:42:18 EDT 2002

I'm looking for a source that will tell me what the odds are of
various things happening to me (mainlylife-threatening things).

Things that answer the question "What are the odds that...
   I will killed in a serious car accident
   I will be struck by lightning
   I will be eaten by a grizzly bear
   I will be killed in a plane crash
   I will become an information architect

Any ideas where I might find this? I'm stumped, so perhaps some
experts IA searchers can help...

I am actually interested in the first four items listed.

I'm going on a four week, 650km, solo backpacking trip in the
Canadian rockies. About 90% of the people I mention this to say "but
aren't you worried about the bears?" They express serious doubts
that I'll come back alive (the other 10% wish they could get time
off to join me--and I'd love the company).

I've always joked (half-seriously) that I'm more likely to be in a
car wreck driving to the trailhead than to be attacked by a bear or
face a serious life-threatening injury in the backcountry
(especially this time as I'm driving from London to Jasper which is
like going from Chicago to Seattle).

I'd love to get some actual numbers so I can say "well,
statistically speaking I'm more likely to die from a poisoned
grapefruit than be attacked by a bear."


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