[Sigia-l] Why "design" makes some of us cringe.

David Heller hippiefunk at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 22 16:40:45 EDT 2002

Ok, I see we are going to get nowhere unless we bring this to its most
basic level ... So here is my attempt.

Can we agree to the following statement?

"'art' is NOT equal to 'design'" 

Can I use these two words interchangeably in all aspects of their

If so ... Ok, that's an answer. Lets move on to doing our work of
art/design and move on, or discuss whether or not our work is actually

If not ... How do they differ? Where does "art=design" breaks down?

-- dave

David Heller
Sr. UI Designer
Documentum: The Leader in Enterprise Content Management
T: 925-600-5636
E: david.heller at documentum.com
AIM: bolinhanyc // Yahoo: dave_ux // MSN: hippiefunk at hotmail.com
"If it is not useful, it will never be usable." -- 

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