[spam] Re: [Sigia-l] [spam] The Value of "IA" or Whatnot,

David Heller hippiefunk at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 17 16:56:29 EDT 2002

Hi Gene,

I've been using the word "design" to be generally "what we do" to create
"our end products". Or "our end products".

I think the confusion is unnecessary b/c we are on a list devoted to IA
and yes, Big IA and it is clear that we are talking about the broad
concept of product conception and definition.

Seems to work for me.

-- dave

David Heller
Sr. UI Designer
Documentum: The Leader in Enterprise Content Management
T: 925-600-5636
E: david.heller at documentum.com
AIM: bolinhanyc // Yahoo: dave_ux // MSN: hippiefunk at hotmail.com
"If it is not useful, it will never be usable." -- 

-----Original Message-----
From: Gene Smith [mailto:genesmith at atomiq.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 1:49 PM
To: sigia-l at asis.org
Cc: ahinton at symetri.com; cwodtke at eleganthack.com
Subject: [spam] Re: [Sigia-l] [spam] The Value of "IA" or Whatnot,

A brief diversion into semantics:

I'd like to see all the arguments in this thread rephrased *without* the
word 'design.'  Half the time I don't know if 'design' refers to a
discipline, a process, or a product.

After all, what do graphic design and database design have in common
other than "to create or contrive {something} for a particular purpose
or effect" (see third def'n http://www.dictionary.com/search?q=design)?
Nothing at all, I'd contend, and it's folly to treat them as if they're
the same sort of thing because they're both 'design' in the broadest
(and most useless) sense.

For most of these discussions, 'design' is too big a word to be used
without a qualifier.

gene at atomiq.org

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