[Sigia-l] Whatnot

Derek R derek at derekrogerson.com
Wed Jul 17 14:26:55 EDT 2002


>Notice the liberal reference to the Web in the 
>responsive posturing? It seems to be a theme with the 
>frame of reference (mental model) of many 
>practitioners on this list.

Merrily, merrily, we should all go work for Big Tobacco, then ? Bless
our souls :-)

>Interaction Design Strategist

(query) You don't really do anything practical, you just strategize-tell
other people what to do? A mental game?

>'putting people and process before technology to deliver solutions'

Your not really a people-person, are you Paula? You like to put people
in their place.

All this posturing is a poor interaction strategy, don't you think ?
When do you let it rip ? (Or let-it-all-hang-out ?)
Or do you just whack whatever/whomever strays out-of-line of your
sweat-shop model ?	 

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