[Sigia-l] e-Government Taxonomy

Mark Needleman - DRA mneedlem at dra.com
Mon Jul 15 14:27:07 EDT 2002

Erin Gene

If you are referring to GILS as in Government Information Locator System -
what it is is a profile for how to search government information using the
Z39.50 Information Retrieval Protocol. It defines how to search GILS
records and it defines what it calls a Locator record which is metadata
about government information and how to obtain it - these locator records
are made up of GILS Core elements but can also contain locally defined
elements or things from other metadata sets - You can look at the GILS
document at


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On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Stewart, Erin [NEA] wrote:

> Hi,
> My understanding is that the GILS profile allows an agency to declare a controlled vocabulary to support searching (e.g., EPA).  However, GILS does not provide a taxonomy; it is a metadata scheme.
> Erin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gene Smith [mailto:genesmith at atomiq.org]
> Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 2:09 PM
> To: sigia-l at asis.org
> Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] e-Government Taxonomy
> I believe the US government already has GILS (http://www.gils.net/).  And if
> I'm sure there's a "taxonomy" used by librarians for classifying government
> information.
> Gene
> -------------------------------
> gene at atomiq.org
> http://www.atomiq.org
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