[Sigia-l] search-engine for small site

Markus Mayer m.mayer at generali.at
Thu Jul 11 06:28:48 EDT 2002


Sorry for he slight off-topic. For a small project I am doing I am looking 
for a search engine. Do you have any experience with open-source or cheap 
solutions aimed at small sites (approx. 150 pages) especially in a 
WinNT/Java environment. I have read that some open source indexers are 
rather unstable in that environment (but I have to use it for various 
Features I would like to have is the ability to manually create meta-data 
descriptions of the pages for display in the search results, phrase 
searching, proximity matching and the ability to manage a list of synonyms 
just for the 10 most frequent search terms. Is this too much to ask for or 
is there anything out there capable of doing this.

Any tips welcome. Bye,


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