[Sigia-l] Marcia Bates on Web-era information retrieval

christina wodtke cwodtke at eleganthack.com
Wed Jul 10 14:50:15 EDT 2002

> > gosh faceted classification is easy and better! why doesn't
> > everyone doing
> > it?
> Easier?  Easier on the user or on the developer?  It's certainly NOT
> building faceted classifications.  (

sorry, forgot to use the irony tag.

faceted classification is hard work

Something we have not discussed about FC is whether it is easier, harder or
about the same for an end-user to comprehend. There are a bunch of factors
in that, I'm sure like type of search, type of content-body etc, but I'd
love to hear anecdotes if anyone has 'em.

Do people grok FC? Do people even think about classification systems enough
to form a mental model when in information retrieval mode?

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