[Sigia-l] [PLUG] User Interface 7 East Conference

Jared M. Spool jspool at uie.com
Thu Aug 15 20:39:31 EDT 2002

On the off chance that you've somehow missed it, I wanted to let all
SIGIA-L readers know about the User Interface 7 East conference being
held October 14-17, 2002 in Cambridge, MA. (Details at

If I say so myself, the conference is really kinda cool. Being that 
I'm very into quality content these days, we've focused on the 
content of the conference. We've put together in-depth sessions on 
IA, personas, markup languages, persuasive interfaces, community, 
designing for brands, and copywriting.

(Good news: we're very excited about the registrations we've gotten 
so far. Our numbers are much higher than we expected and, even more
interesting, the IA topics are, by far, the most requested sessions. 
My sense is that people are *really* interested in getting solid 
fundamental knowledge on how to deal with the issues surrounding 
their own architectures.)

SIGIA-L's beloved Peter Merholz will be speaking alongside Indi
Young. Kim Goodwin from Cooper will be speaking there too, as will
Nick Usborne, Gerry McGovern, Andrew Chak, Molly Holzschlag, Eric A.
Meyer, Mitch McCasland, and Derek Powazek. These guys are all giving
full-day sessions, so attendees can get an detailed perspective on
their topics.

As we prepare for the conference, it's been really helpful for us to
get our thoughts into articles and interviews about our conference
topics, so we understand what's really happening in the world of
interaction design. You can check out our featured articles at

Also, we're offering all SIGIA-L readers a special discount. If you
register before September 10th and use promotion code SIGIA, you'll
receive $30 off each single day registration and $150 off a 4-day

If you come to the conference (and I *hope* that you do), please make 
a point of stopping me and saying 'Hi'. It's nice to put faces to the 
email addresses I see every day.

Hope to see you there...


- o - o - o -
Jared M. Spool
User Interface Engineering
jspool at uie.com   http://www.uie.com

Check out User Interface 7 East at http://www.uiconf.com

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