[Sigia-l] mixing apples and oranges and tomatoes

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Fri Apr 12 21:59:47 EDT 2002

From: Ziya Oz <ZiyaOz at earthlink.net> (13/4/02 11:35)

>No, it cannot be. A unique ID is, by definition, unique. 

It may be unique, but that doesn't mean it is *compact*. It may be 
composed of multiple elements which when combined form a unique string. 

For example, the string: 
is unique but is *not* compact.

Another example of unique but not compact:
Article# 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001234

Now, arguing that you require all 64 characters to maintain your 
canonical uniqueness, despite the enormity of the scale, is what I would 
call a "pedantically absurd exercise". For purposes of writing URLs it is 
quite relevant and useful to be able to shorten that unique ID.


eric at ironclad.net.au                 i r o n c l a d   n e t w o r k s
information architect                      http://www.ironclad.net.au/

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