[Sigia-l] mixing apples and oranges and tomatoes

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Fri Apr 12 21:17:16 EDT 2002

From: Ziya Oz <ZiyaOz at earthlink.net> (13/4/02 10:57)

>Technically speaking, if there's a unique ID/variable involved in
>identifying a specific user/session, then that portion of the URL cannot
>really be eliminated. 

It can in some cases. For example, if the unique ID is actually generated 
from multiple variables like time and date and authorid and some random 
... with the intended consequence that every ID is unique but at the cost 
of overly wide coverage (eg. using a 64 character unique ID for a site 
that will never have more than 1,000,000 articles). It would require a 
gateway filter that would generate and maintain a more compact list of 
IDs (eg. serial numbers), and map those to the unique article IDs.

Although messy to implement, it does provide flexibility in later 
transparently changing the backend system.


eric at ironclad.net.au                 i r o n c l a d   n e t w o r k s
information architect                      http://www.ironclad.net.au/

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