[Sigia-l] : Moderately abusive user experience

Amy Kahn amy at zoned.net
Tue Apr 9 18:27:23 EDT 2002

Very true. Yet when you call to change your service, they tell you on the 
phone that you can change your contract on the web.


On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Andrew Hinton wrote:

> Sprint PCS is truly horrible. For all the lip service they pay to the
> supposed power of converged communications, it's amazing how silo'd their
> services are. 
> I still cannot understand why I can't manage my phone contacts from the web.
> But their site is the worst. It's still a mystery to me whether I'm dealing
> with wireless or wireless-web or messaging or what the hell. And it seems
> like I'm always in the wrong area on the site to do the thing I want.

Amy Kahn

home: (617) 879-0064	1572 Beacon St, Apt 2
cell: (646) 234-8109	Brookline, MA 02446

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