[Sighfis-l] CFP - SIGCIS History of Computing Workshop Oct 2010, Deadline 1 July

Thomas Haigh thaigh at computer.org
Fri May 14 18:03:18 EDT 2010

Hello SIGHFIS members,


For the 2009 ASIS&T conference I organized a panel intended to bring people
with backgrounds in science studies and the history of science/technology
working in information schools together to discuss the issues and challenges
involved. We've also discussed the possibility of going the other way and
having people with an interest in LIS history present to the Society for the
History of Technology (SHOT). I chair its SIG in Computers, Information and
Society (www.sigcis.org) and we would welcome submissions on information
history topics for our one day workshop being held in conjunction with the
SHOT annual meeting. 


Suggested formats include individual papers, session proposals, round
tables, etc. Note that at SHOT, unlike ASIS&T, there is no distinction
between the kinds of topics and review process given individual papers and
session proposals. So individual presentations within a panel proposal have
their own titles, abstracts, and can be as scholarly as you want. The panel
is just a way of grouping together several related papers and a suitable


The CFP is below.


Best wishes,

Tom Haigh





SIGCIS Workshop 2010: Materiality and Immateriality in the History of

Sunday October 3 2010, Tacoma, Washington




The Society for the History of Technology's Special Interest Group for
Computers, Information and Society (SIGCIS - www.sigcis.org) welcomes
submissions for its latest one day scholarly workshop on Materiality and
Immateriality in the History of Computing. The workshop will be held in
Tacoma Washington all day on Sunday, October 3 2010. This is the final day
of the annual SHOT meeting. SHOT has reserved that day for SIG events and
therefore the symposium will not overlap scheduled sessions in the main
program. For details on the main SHOT meeting see


In keeping with the conference theme contributions that consider material
aspects of the history of information technology (people, things, places,
physical technologies and their relationship to work, practice, users,
standards, and so on), immaterial aspects of the history of computing
(logical standards, program code, theory, virtual
technologies/environments/communities) or the relationship between the two
are particularly welcome. However our practice is to welcome contributions
on all topics related to the history of computing whether or not there is an
explicit connection with the annual theme. Our membership is
interdisciplinary and proposals are expected from the perspectives of
business history, labor history, social history, science studies and the
history of science as well as from historians of technology.


Proposals for entire sessions and individual presenters are both welcome. We
hope to run special sessions featuring dissertations in progress and other
works in progress. The workshop is a great opportunity to get helpful
feedback on your projects in a relaxed and supportive environment. All
proposals will be subject to a peer review process.


All submissions should be made via the web by 1 July, 2010. Limited travel
assistance for graduate students is available. For full information
including detailed submission requirements please go to


Questions should be addressed to Jeffrey Tang who is serving as chair of the
workshop organizing committee. Email tangjd at jmu.edu.


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