[Sighfis-l] Nominations for SIGHFIS officers 2008-9

Thomas Haigh thaigh at computer.org
Fri Sep 26 13:58:28 EDT 2008

Hello SIGHFIS Members,

As 2007-8 chair I am pleased to forward on behalf of the SIG Nominating
Committee our slate of officers for the 2008-9 year. In accordance with our
bylaws and operating rules the new officers will take over at the opening of
the 2008 Annual Meeting in Columbus, Ohio.

Chair:                                    Robert V. Williams, University of
South Carolina

Chair Elect:                          Michael Buckland, University of
California, Berkeley (emeritus)

Secretary:                           Kay Mathiesen, University of Arizona

 (Immediate Past Chair: Thomas Haigh, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)

We are attempting to bring our operations into line with the SIG bylaws
(which require "a formal ballot" some weeks before the annual meeting) and
our own newly adopted operating rules  (which specify that the ballot may be
conducted via email).  Voting will be held by email, with an option for fax
or mail return of ballots.

There will be a short period for additional nominations from the SIG
membership. If you would like to be added to the ballot for any of these
offices please let me know by Sunday, September 28. (Anyone interested in
getting more involved with SIGHFIS is also encouraged to make themselves
known to the SIG officers). Ballots will be circulated via email on Monday,
September 29 and must be received by Monday, October 6.

We are very pleased to have attracted such an active and distinguished slate
of officers and look forward to a productive year ahead for SIGHFIS.

In other news, I have made some further updates and additions to the SIG
website at http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGHFIS/index.htm. These include the SIG
bylaws and additional links and resources. 

Best wishes,

Tom Haigh


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