[Sighfis-l] Updated SIGHFIS Website now online

Thomas Haigh thaigh at computer.org
Thu Sep 11 19:31:47 EDT 2008

Hello everyone,


I'm the 2007-8 SIGHFIS chair. The birth of my son a few weeks after last
year's ASIS&T meeting has put something of a crimp in my grand plans, but I
am pleased to announce that I've succeeded in creating and uploading a new
version of our website. 




It includes information on SIG conference sessions going back to the early
1990s, minutes of recent meetings, an updated page of links and resources,
and (for the first time in two years) up to date information on SIG
officers. The design is rather old fashioned but it gets the job done.
Corrections or additional content for posting are welcome.


If you look closely you'll see that we're still without a secretary or chair
elect, which will be the topic of my next email.


Those of you who were at the breakfast planning meeting or the annual
meeting last year please review the minutes at 

eting%20Oct%202007.pdf and


These are draft versions at the moment and corrections are welcome.


Also, I'm not sure that I have everyone who is on the SIG advisory board as
I've never seen a full list of names. So if you consider yourself to be a
member, or would like to be, and are not listed then please let me know and
I will add you.


Best wishes,


Tom Haigh


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