[Sigdl-l] SIG-DL Nominations for Officers

Suzie Allard slalla0 at pop.uky.edu
Thu Oct 10 00:23:35 EDT 2002

Hello SIG-DL Members!

It's time to elect officers for SIG-DL. This year the nominating committee
includes Alison Brueckner, Pascal Calarco and me. SIG-DL has two officer
positions open:

 The chair-elect, who automatically becomes chair for the 2003-2004 year,
works closely with the chair in planning and executing SIG programs
and serves as the Alternate SIG Cabinet Representative.  The chair-elect
will assume the duties and responsibilities of the chair in the event of the
chair's absence, resignation or removal from office.  In most ASIST SIGs,
the chair-elect assumes the primary responsibility for planning the SIG's
programs during the year, including the technical sessions to be presented
at the following Mid-Year and Annual Meetings.

 The chair elect is also responsible for ensuring that the officers
roster for the year he/she will serve as chair is sent to the Cabinet
Director and Headquarters immediately following elections.

The secretary/treasurer is responsible for keeping the SIG records including
taking minutes at the SIG-DL meeting at the ASIST Annual Meeting.  This
position is also responsible for the SIG-DL fiscal records.

** Self-nomination is appropriate and encouraged! **  If anyone is
interested in being a candidate for these leadership opportunities, please
contact me (slalla0 at uky.edu), Alison (abrueckner at cyber-state.org) or Pascal
(pvcalarc at vcu.edu) immediately.  Your participation will help SIG-DL
continue our tradition of keeping active and growing stronger!

Thank you for being a part of SIG-DL!
ASIST SIG-DL Nominating Committee:
Suzie Allard, slalla0 at uky.edu
Allison Brueckner, abrueckner at cyber-state.org
Pascal Calarco, pvcalarc at vcu.edu

Suzie Allard, Presidential Fellow
University of Kentucky   (859)257-3771
College of Communications and Information Studies
520 King Library South, Lexington, KY  40506-0039
e-mail: slalla0 at uky.edu
homepage: http://sweb.uky.edu/~slalla0/

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