[Sigcr-l] 'Missing keynote'

Jack Andersen jan at db.dk
Tue Feb 28 03:16:44 EST 2006

Hello there,

Those of you attending the Classification Research Workshop last year (2005)
may recall that our keynote speaker, Joacim Hansson, did not make it.
However, Joacim has now kindly published his keynote here:

Kind Regards,
Jack Andersen
Jack Andersen, Assistant Professor, PhD
Department of Information Studies
Royal School of Library and Information Science 
Birketinget 6, 2300 DK-Copenhagen S, Denmark
Phone: +45 32 58 60 66. Room A3.01
Fax: +45 32 84 02 01
E-mail: jan at db.dk
http://www.db.dk/jan <http://www.db.dk/jan> 

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