[Sigcabinet] Agenda for ASIST SIG Cabinet Steering Cte 12/11 11am

KT Vaughan ktlv at email.unc.edu
Wed Dec 10 16:03:53 EST 2008

Hi all -
I'm sending this email both to the listserv and to you individually so 
that we have it archived via the list but so you can get the officer's 
spreadsheet via direct mail.  Sorry for the duplication.  We're meeting 
for an hour tomorrow (Thursday) at 11am US East Coast time.  I get 
ravenous at lunchtime, so this shouldn't go much over an hour.  Here's 
our agenda:

1: Say hi and welcome to new members (Phil and Chris; Kevin renewed)
2: Confirm shepherding assignments, make sure all are on board w/what 
that means
3: Discuss outcomes from AM08 (approval of document changes, collection 
of officers' names, other notes)
4: Main point of business: Financial plan for SIGs
    At the SIG Cabinet meeting, we were charged with investigating, 
evaluating, and proposing for a vote in the AM09 SIG Cabinet a plan for 
changing the SIG financial structure.  At present a lot of funds are 
kept out of general use because SIGs are either defunct or simply don't 
spend their money.  We're looking for options on how to restructure such 
that SIGs still have access to funds that they need to operate but have 
options to get more if they need it - and so that unused SIG funds are 
more easily returned to the Society as a whole for use.  This may 
include changing the way funds are allocated, changing how people sign 
up for SIGs, etc.  We don't want to talk about particular models in this 
particular meeting - this discussion is more project management 
focused.  I'd like to come out of the teleconference with an idea of 
what tasks need to be accomplished, a possible timeline for 
accomplishing those, and who is going to do what.
5: Any other business?  We have other issues to deal with, including 
what to do with SIGs that have no officers (now only IA and HCI!), 
updating the SIG Officers' Manual, and developing a checklist/timeline 
for regular SIG business/activities over the course of the 
administrative year.  We can talk about all, some, or none of these 
topics as interest and time allows.

Here's login info, just so you have it in one spot:

Number to call is (877) 326-0011
Conference ID is *5974795*  and you do need to enter the asterisks.

Attached is the Excel spreadsheet of officers with email addresses.  
Dick, we'll need to update SIG-L.  Am I a moderator on that?
- KT

Pharmacy Librarian
UNC-CH Health Sciences Library	

Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy
UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy

CB 7585
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7585
Phone: 919 966 8011
Fax: 919 966 5592
Email: ktlv at email.unc.edu

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