[Sig-l] ASIST Member Career Profiles - your feedback and profile requested

Caryn Anderson caryn.anderson at gmail.com
Sat Sep 6 04:52:21 EDT 2008

Hello ASIST Board and SIG and Chapter Officers,

As you may recall, the Membership Committee has been working to develop a
Career Profiles page for the ASIST website that will allow new and potential
members to get a sense of who we are and what information scientists do.
Feedback has suggested that this would be a very good idea, and we've had
some board members and others submit their profiles, but only a few. We
don't want to "go live" with such a short list - even to our general
membership - as we don't believe it presents an accurate picture of the
diversity of our membership or the strength of our society. We are writing
to ask you to contribute your own profile and to encourage your colleagues
to do so as well. There is a link to submit a profile on the right hand side
of this page:

ASIST DRAFT Career Profiles page:

If you have feedback about the idea generally, please feel free to email me

Thank you for your assistance in strengthening the public face of our


Caryn Anderson
Chair, Membership Committee
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