[Sig-bwp] Scholarpedia: (Another) Wikipedia for Scholars (Take 2)

Gerry Mckiernan gerrymck at iastate.edu
Tue Jan 16 15:25:13 EST 2007


Another Wiki for Scholarship !


January 11, 2007
A Wikipedia for Scholars (Take 2)
If imitation really is the sincerest form of flattery, then Wikipedia's
Jimmy Wales must be feeling pretty pleased with the new crop of upstart
online encyclopedias coming from the academic world.

First came Larry Sanger's Citizendium [ http://citizendium.org/ ]  -- a
"progressive fork" of Wikipedia that aims to take articles from that
site and let scholars mold them as they see fit (The Chronicle, October
27, 2006). And now there's Scholarpedia, which combines Wikipedia's
open-source principles with a healthy dash of peer review.

Scholarpedia looks almost exactly like the pioneering site that
inspired it, but it has a much more rigid hierarchy: All the articles on
the site are written by scholars who are either invited by Scholarpedia
directors or elected by the public. The articles are anonymously peer
reviewed and placed under the charge of "curators" -- experts who are
often the articles' authors -- who must approve any additions or edits.


[ http://chronicle.com/wiredcampus/index.php?id=1806 ]


[ http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Main_Page ]


Gerry McKiernan
Audience Member
Iowa State University 
Ames IA 50011

gerrymck at iastate.edu 

P.S.  This Two/Too Sounds Like Disruptive Scholarship to Me 

[ http://www.disruptivescholarship.blogspot.com/ ]

[ http://www.public.iastate.edu/~gerrymck/TICER2005.ppt ]

P.S. 2.  Maybe We Should Start Calling It Scholarship 2.0 [?]

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