[Sig-bwp] Western Kentucky University Libraries Podcasting

Gerry Mckiernan gerrymck at iastate.edu
Tue Jan 10 16:46:24 EST 2006


I've learned from _Open Stacks_, the Greg Schwartz MostExcellent blog,  that 
Western Kentucky University Libraries offers podcasts

[ http://www.wku.edu/Library/ ]

See under 'Announcements & Events" .

BTW: _Open Stacks_  itself routinely includes descriptions and links to various library-related podcasting activities 
(as well as its own podcasts) !!!

[ http://openstacks.net/os/ ]

Thanks, Greg !!!


Gerry McKiernan
Science and Technology Librarian 
Iowa State University Library 
Ames IA 50011

gerrymck at iastate.edu 

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