[Pasig-discuss] iPRES2014 Interviews with Programme Committee (1)

Serena Coates Serena.Coates at slq.qld.gov.au
Sun Aug 10 21:29:22 EDT 2014

Greetings Colleagues!

iPRES2014 is fast approaching - only 55 days until the conference begins.  The Programme Committee is very excited about the range of speakers, topics and workshops on offer this year.  If you haven't had a chance to check out the provisional programme, please do so at http://ipres2014.org/sites/default/files/upload/provisional.programme.pdf.  Every fortnight between now and the conference, we will be sharing a video with you, to give you the chance to 'meet' the members of the Programme Committee, and to get a feel for the programme to find out why we are excited about the lineup of events.

We get the ball rolling this week with a brief interview with Serena Coates, Co-Chair of the Posters and Demos session, and MC for iPRES2014.  Check out the video here: http://vimeo.com/102488288

Don't forget that early bird registrations close 1 September 2014.

Hope to see you in October!

iPRES2014 Programme Committee

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