[Pasig-discuss] 2014 IEEE Big Data Management Workshop call for participation and availability of NSF travel awards for students

Maria Esteva maria at tacc.utexas.edu
Fri Aug 8 13:51:14 EDT 2014

Dear All,

We are organizing the "First Hands-On Workshop on Leveraging High Performance Computing Resources for Managing Large Datasets". This one-day workshop will be collocated with the 2014 IEEE Big Data Conference and will be held in Washington D.C. on October 27, 2014. No prior HPC experience is required to participate in the workshop. During this workshop, the participants will develop practical skills required for working in an HPC environment, and will be trained on defining their Big Data management workflows on HPC resources.

Attached is a flyer with more details about the workshop. For a detailed agenda and additional information about the workshop, please visit the following link:


With the support from NSF, travel grants are now available to support the participation of students from underrepresented groupsin the workshop and in the 2014 IEEE Big Data Conference. Consideration will be given to the applicants from groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in HPC, and Big Data. These groups include women, African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Pacific Islanders and people with disabilities. The travel grant will cover air-fare, hotel, workshop/conference registration fees, ground transportation, and per diem for the selected applicants. There are mentoring activities planned for the selected students before and after the workshop/conference. The application form for the travel grant is at the following link and the application deadline is August 26, 2014, 5:00 PM CST:

In order to be eligible for the travel award, a student should be studying at a U.S. University or College. Selected applicants will be notified by September 2, 2014 and should be prepared to complete their travel arrangements by September 10, 2014.

Could you please help in forwarding the information about the workshop and the travel award to the students and professionals in your network?

Thanks & Regards,
Ritu Arora and Maria Esteva
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