[Pasig-discuss] Fwd: NEWS RELEASE: First Alpha Release of Fedora 4 Now Available from Fedora Futures

Carol Minton Morris cmmorris at fedora-commons.org
Wed Jul 10 06:18:01 EDT 2013


July 10, 2013
Contact: Jonathan Markow <jjmarkow at duraspace.org>
Read release notes:

*NOW AVAILABLE: First Alpha Release of Fedora 4 from Fedora Futures*
*Winchester, MA*  DuraSpace and the Fedora Futures team is proud to
announce the first Alpha release of Fedora 4. In addition to carrying
forward the best qualities of the Fedora platform, Fedora 4 Alpha 1
addresses a number of high priority requirements expressed by the
international repository community, including:

• increased performance, with enhanced vertical and horizontal scalability,
• improved durability and service availability,
• built-in support for participating in the world of linked open data,
• easier installation and deployment, and
• an improved platform for developers—one that is easier to work with and
will engage a larger corps of developers.

As an alpha release, Fedora 4.0 Alpha 1 is not feature complete. As the
final release nears, we'll have full documentation and tooling for
migrating existing Fedora 3 repositories, but at this time, we invite you
to take this early release of Fedora 4 for a spin, validate our new ideas,
contribute your own and join the effort. Developers from the Hydra and
Islandora projects have already updated forks of their respective projects
to work against Fedora 4's new APIs and now we're ready for the greater
Fedora community to do the same.

Download it now:

*New Features and Improvements*


• Self-healing–When configured with redundant stores, Fedora supports
detection and self-healing of corrupted files.
• Transactions–The Fedora APIs now support transactions, with full commit
and rollback support.
• Clustering for high availability–Fedora now supports clustering multiple
Fedora nodes to maximize redundancy and failover.
• Metrics and reporting–Built-in metrics and health-checks provide near
real-time reporting of repository performance and statistics.


• Batch operations–The Fedora API now supports batching of methods for
increased read and write performance.
• Clustering for scalability–Flexible cluster configurations to scale
horizontally for read and write performance.
• Projection, aka "instant ingest"–Fedora now supports "projecting" over
external data sources (such as a filesystem) yet having those resources
appear as part of the repository with full support for reading and writing
to those external resources.


• HATEOAS support–Fedora 4 now provides a RESTful, hypermedia-driven API
that speaks RDF
• CMIS–Experimental support for Content Management Interoperability Services
 • WebDAV–Experimental support for Web Distributed Authoring and
Versioning. Work with repository content directly from your desktop.
• Eventing, messaging and web hooks–Fedora 4 provides expanded support for
event-driven architectures, not only limited to JMS.
• OAuth 2–Experimental support for the OAuth 2.0 authorization standard, to
support a wider range of authentication and authorization systems via
• Policy-driven storage–Experimental support for authoring policies that
direct the storage of a resource based on object or datastream metadata.
• More storage options–In addition to filesystem persistence, Fedora 4 now
supports higher performance, transactional stores including LevelDB,
Berkeley DB and NoSQL stores such as MongoDB.


Our thanks and appreciation go out to the sponsors that generously provided
the funding and developer resources that made this Alpha release possible.
We hope you like what you see and will join us in building the future of

*Alpha 1 Sponsors*

Brown University
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Columbia University
Discovery Garden
FIZ Karlsruhe
Indiana University
Northeastern University
Oxford University
Pennsylvania State University
Smithsonian Institution
Stanford University
University of California, San Diego
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of Virginia
University of New South Wales

*Get Involved*

DuraSpace and the Fedora Futures Steering Group are seeking "platinum"
sponsors to raise the level of support for Fedora to $500,000 a year for
three years to catalyze the development of Fedora 4. If you are interested
in finding out about how to get involved please contact Jonathan Markow at
jjmarkow at duraspace.org. Find out more here:

*About Fedora*

Fedora is an open source project of the DuraSpace organization that
provides a flexible, extensible and durable digital object management
services. First released in 2004, it has hundreds of adopters worldwide,
with deep roots in the research, scientific, intellectual and cultural
heritage communities. See http://fedora-commons.org/ for more information.
It is supported by its community of users, and stewarded by DuraSpace.

Carol Minton Morris
Director of Marketing and Communications
cmmorris at DuraSpace.org
Skype: carolmintonmorris
607 592-3135
Twitter at DuraSpace <http://twitter.com/duraspace>
Twitter at DuraCloud <http://twitter.com/duracloud>
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