[MNASIS-L] FW: [MN-TIPR] Freedom of Information Day/Sunshine Week

Ann Treacy atreacy at treacyinfo.com
Wed Mar 7 15:42:07 EST 2007

Hi folks,


Here is information about the upcoming Sunshine week events and the Freedom
of Info 2007 recipient.


You can also get this info on the COGI web site:



Have a great day!  Ann


Ann Treacy
Treacy Information Services
1841 Fairmount Ave
St Paul MN 55105
atreacy at treacyinfo.com


From: mn-tipr-bounces at communityforum.net
[mailto:mn-tipr-bounces at communityforum.net] On Behalf Of Mary Treacy
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 12:52 PM
To: mn-tipr at communityforum.net
Subject: [MN-TIPR] Freedom of Information Day/Sunshine Week


Thank you for sharing these announcements with your personal and
professional networks.

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