[MNASIS-L] Nov. 9th - Web Mining and Its Applications - Please RSVP by Nov. 4!

Janet Arth arth at tc.umn.edu
Tue Oct 18 09:40:28 EDT 2005

The MN Chapters of  SLA and the  ASIS&T invite you to attend:

Web Mining and Its Applications

Professor Jaideep Srivastava, University of Minnesota
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Complete event and registration details are available on the MN SLA website:

Wednesday, November 9th
4:30 – 5:00 Registration & Networking

5:00 – 5:45 Presentation

5:45 – 6:30 Questions & Wrap Up

*Light snacks and beverages will be served


Faegre & Benson LLP
Wells Fargo Center, 21st Floor, Century Room
90 S. Seventh Street, Minneapolis MN

*See below for links to a map and parking suggestions


$15 for guests
$10 for library association members (SLA, ASIS&T, SCIP, MALL, etc.)
$5 for students, unemployed, or retired

Registration is now a two part process – register and send payment by Nov. 4!

1. Email name and contact information to 
<mailto:minnesota.sla at gmail.com?subject=October%205th%20Meeting%20Registration>minnesota.sla at gmail.com

2. Make payment through PayPal OR send check payable to MN Chapter SLA

Registration details are available on the MN SLA website at:


Jill Strand - jstrand at faegre.com – 612.766.8843
Karen Stauber – Karen.stauber at target.com – 612.761.7194
Lora Alexander – lora.alexander at personneldecisions.com – 952.915.7608


The potential of extracting valuable knowledge from the Web has always been 
quite evident. Web mining involves applying data mining techniques to 
extract knowledge from Web content, structure, and usage. Interest in Web 
mining has grown rapidly and a number of new concepts, (PageRank, hubs and 
authorities, web communities and computing web interestingness measures, 
etc.) have been developed. A wide variety of commercial enterprises such as 
Amazon, Yahoo and Google regularly use Web mining in their daily 
operations.  This talk will (a) introduce the Web Mining concept and 
discuss some key challenges (b) present various solutions to these 
challenges, (c) discuss the business impact of Web Mining, and (d) present 
some case studies from well known commercial organizations.


Dr. Jaideep Srivastava is a professor on the faculty of the University of 
Minnesota. He received his B.Tech. in Computer Science from the Indian 
Institute of Technology - Kanpur, and M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science 
from the University of California - Berkeley.  As a researcher, educator, 
consultant, and invited speaker in the areas of data mining, databases, 
artificial intelligence, and multimedia for over 16 years, Dr. Srivastava 
continues his active collaboration with the technology industry, both for 
research and technology transfer. He has authored/co-authored over 180 
papers in journals and conferences and  is on the editorial board of many 
journals. Dr. Srivastava is a popular speaker at industry, academic, and 
government meetings.  Both the US and Indian governments have solicited his 
opinion on computer science research and/or various software technologies. 
Between 1999 and 2001 he took a two-year leave, during which he spent time 
at Amazon.com and at Yodlee Inc. Dr. Srivastava has been elected an IEEE 
Fellow for his contributions to Computer Science research and has been 
appointed a Distinguished Visitor by the IEEE Computer Society.

here or go to SLA website to view a map of Faegre & Benson and look up 
driving directions.

Click “st.” on left bar to zoom in to see specific location and streets


Most downtown ramps / meters cost less or offer a $4-5 flat rate after 4:00 PM!

Gaviidae Common, 651 Nicollet Mall
   Under Wells Fargo Center, enter from 6th Street

Northstar Building, 625 Marquette Avenue
   Across Marquette Avenue from Wells Fargo Center, enter from 7th Street

Marshall Field’s Parking Ramp, 700 Nicollet Mall
   Kitty-corner from Wells Fargo Center.  Enter from 7th or 8th street

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