Tomislav Jakopec tjakopec at ffos.hr
Fri Jun 27 03:10:12 EDT 2014



The ETTLIS 2015 intends to bridge the gap between different areas of
library and information services, digital information management, science
and technology. This platform will address a large number of themes and
issues. The symposium will feature original research and working papers,
case studies on design and implementation of digital information systems,
as well as emerging trends and technologies in library and information
services through paper presentation, demonstrations, workshops and
industrial presentations. Papers are solicited in the following themes:

*Theme 1: Emerging Technologies in Libraries and Information Services*

   - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
   - Cloud Computing and Library Services
   - Digital Libraries and Future
   - Distributed and Collaborative Information spaces
   - E-Resources Management
   - Information Access: Retrieval and Browsing
   - Information Retrieval
   - Integration of Information Resources
   - Interoperability in Digital Libraries
   - Knowledge Organization and Ontologies in Digital Library
   - Metadata
   - Metadata standards and protocols in digital library systems
   - Mobile Technology and Its Application in Library Services
   - Personalization in Digital Libraries
   - Resource Description and Access
   - Second Life in Library Services
   - Security of Library Resources

*Theme 2: Global Best Practice in Libraries and Information Services*

   - Cultural Archives
   - Cultural Repositories
   - Data and Information Security
   - Data Warehouses and Data Mining
   - Digital Content Management System
   - Digital Library in Cultural Heritage
   - Digital Preservation/Archives
   - Electronic Resource Management
   - Federated Search Engine
   - International Standards and Library Systems
   - Knowledge Management
   - Librarians' perceptions of marketing services and resources
   - Managing Big Data
   - Quality Assurance in Scholarly Communication
   - Research Data Management
   - Resource Access and Management
   - Search Optimization and Information Retrieval

*Theme 3: Changing Dimensions of Libraries in Internet Era*

   - Content Management System
   - Generations of Internet Technology
   - Information Clustering
   - Information Ranking
   - Mobile Data Management
   - Mobile Information Services
   - Search Engine optimization
   - Semantic Web
   - Social media analytics
   - Social Media and Applications in Libraries
   - Social media, architecture, and applications
   - Social networks, virtual organizations and networked information
   - Text Mining
   - Video Search and Video Mining
   - Visualization of large-scale information environments
   - Web 2.0 Technologies and its Applications
   - Web Archiving
   - Web Archiving and Preservation
   - Web Mining including Web Intelligence and Web 3.0
   - Web Services

*Theme 4: User Expectation, Experience in Virtual Library System: Case

   - Adoption of Virtual Media and Virtual Worlds by Librarians
   - Data and Information Management in Virtual Organizations
   - e-Business
   - E-Commerce,
   - E-Governance and Libraries
   - Electronic Learning
   - Enterprise Information Services by Libraries
   - Evaluation of online information environments
   - Impact and evaluation of digital libraries and information in education
   - Information Literacy
   - Quality of Service Issues
   - Studies of human factors in networked information
   - User Awareness Services
   - User Mobility and Context awareness in Information Access
   - User Studies and Evaluation of Digital Library Systems and Applications
   - Virtual Reference Service

*Theme 5: Perception Change in Librarianship*

   - Consortia and Networks
   - Content Aggregation and Information Delivery
   - Customer Relation Management
   - Delivery and Exchange of Service
   - Electronic Information System
   - Emotional Intelligence and Librarianship
   - Evidence Based Acquisition System
   - Government and Private Partnership
   - Information visualization
   - Leadership in Library and Information System
   - Library Assessment Activities : ISO
   - Library Automation Services
   - Library Personnel and Skill Development
   - Open Access and Movement
   - Performance Measurement
   - Personal digital information management
   - Resource Discovery System and platforms
   - Team Building

*Theme 6: Socio Legal perspective in Library and Information Services*

   - Content License Agreement
   - Copyright Issues
   - Cyber infrastructure architectures, applications, and deployments
   - Digital Right Management
   - E-Copyright Management
   - Ethics and Values
   - Information Content Security
   - Information Policy and Copyright Law
   - Intellectual Property Right
   - Open Access Licensing Issue
   - Patent Information System
   - Plagiarism
   - Quality Assurance and Best Practices in Digital Scholarship

Tomislav Jakopec, asistent
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