[Eurchap] [Fwd: e-Inclusion wiki & blog launched]

M.J. Menou michel.menou at wanadoo.fr
Fri Apr 13 07:45:49 EDT 2007

-------- Message original --------
Sujet: 	e-Inclusion wiki & blog launched
Date: 	Fri, 13 Apr 2007 11:18:43 +0200
De: 	<Einclusion at ec.europa.eu>
Pour: 	undisclosed-recipients: ;

*Be part of it! e-Inclusion wiki & blog launched*

(12/04/2007) Share your e-Inclusion experiences; discuss what's needed
with other stakeholders; see what is happening in other countries.
Realising the European e-Inclusion objectives is a challenge, to say the
least.  It requires rich information, sense-making and understanding,
imagination, dedication, cooperation and sharing.  We have therefore
decided to support this by setting up an experimental, wiki-based
website where sharing and cooperation can be stimulated.

You will find reports about national experiences and state-of-play,
discussions on specific e-inclusion themes, and - hopefully - a lot of
other interesting things to discover.

You are invited to share your creativity and experience at
_http://www.ipolicy.eu_ and help bring closer the participation of all
in economy and society with the help of information and communication

Contact: einclusion at ec.europa.eu


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